filled with love
I have created the following recipes for my son with love and tenderness. His happy face, his 'thank you Mum for my meal! ' and his healing are my daily rewards.
When my 3 year-old baby got sick, I felt so powerless, which is a terrible feeling for a parent. I had to be there for him, it was my destiny, the purpose of my life. The ketogenic diet gave me that power back. I hope it will do the same for you. I hope that you will enjoy preparing these delicious meals and that your child will love eating them!

Good to know
The following recipes are designed for a 4 year-old child who weighs 16 kilos (35lb). The daily quantity of protein your child needs depends on their age and weight. Your nutritionist will give you that information. Make sure you adapt the recipes to your child’s needs. You will simply have to lower or increase the quantity of EACH ingredient (including the carbs in the dessert) by the same percentage. For example, each ingredient - 10% for a slightly lighter child or + 20% for a heavier child. This way, the final ratio will stay the same.
In the same way, my recipes can easily be adapted to an adult's needs. Our 'Happy Keto Life' website is coming soon. It will be entirely dedicated to the medical ketogenic diet for adults. In the meanwhile, all the following recipes can be enjoyed at any age, provided that you increase the quantity of each ingredient by the same percentage.
When one of the products I use is not available in your country, don’t worry. Look for an equivalent (same or very similar nutritional values). Subtract 'dietary fiber' from carbs if it is included in the total carbs (that is the case in the US). When comparing nutritional facts, make sure you compare equivalent serving sizes.